Top portion of the Take Hunger Off The Menu page.
The Project
Why keep these kinds of promotions and partnerships centered around World Food Day? The Corporate Partnerships team wanted to build a website that would create a space for companies to partner with Heifer to end hunger all year round. On this new site, companies would have access to a variety of campaigns they could easily download and quickly start donating a portion of their proceeds to Heifer.
Wireframes showing layout for each page of this site.
Wireframe of the Join Us page. This displayed on the left to create a comparison to the fully designed page on the right.
Fully designed Join Us page. This displayed on the right to create a comparison to the wireframes on the left.
The Challenges
This site would have to live on its own — away from the main Heifer site. I worked closely with a developer on my team to come up with the optimal solution for this. We decided that the best way to complete the site in our given timeframe was to use WordPress. We would need to locate a theme that fit our needs and edit the theme where necessary to fit the criteria the team set for us.
Animated gif of the counter that shows how one dollar can provide one chicken and 200 eggs per year.

The Solution
After choosing a theme, I created wireframes to get a better idea of how the content would be laid out. The site would have four pages — a home page, a page to download campaigns and resources, a page to show the companies that are already partnered with Heifer and a page where users could donate to Heifer if they wished. To make the site more interactive, we included a calculator that shows how far one dollar goes toward ending hunger.
4 images of each page on the Take Hunger Off The Menu site.
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